When I started learning AUTOSAR, I was struggling to find a nice resource to learn AUTOSAR from basics. Yes there are documents on AUTOSAR official website which helps to understand AUTOSAR concepts, but AUTOSAR is ocean and its very hard to search the desired document from such big reservoir of information.
So, being in same shoes as you I decided to start a blog to share whatever knowledge I get from my projects (which will act as practical knowledge) as well as learning through documents (which will act as theory). With the grace of God and well wishers like you soon I migrated from a basic blog to this full fledged website.
Being a single contributor its very hard to extract necessary information from AUTOSAR specification documents (which is very big) and present it in simpler language to you, but I am trying my best. Soon I will start a step by step course which will help learners more instead of keeping this website just a informative website.
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